When you hear the word
"Amish", you tend to think of the farmers with the
beards who ride around in the black buggies pulled by
horses. They have a simple life, spurning the modern
conveniences that we enjoy and take for granted. Their
lifestyle and work ethic is famous around the country as
exemplary. When they do something, they do it right the
first time without shortcuts.
For this reason, we have
searched out an Amish tarp maker to make our marine and
fishing products. He doesn't scrimp on the materials or
the time and labor to make our products, so that when we
ship anything to you, we do so knowing that it is made
better than anything we could find out in the market.
An example is our "Buggy
Bag" sea anchors. We have had these in with a wholesaler
for four years and have not had one return. That is not
to say that these products are indestructible, anything
can and will break. But if one of our products fails due
to material or workmanship, it will be replaced or your
money refunded without question.
The following site will
show off some of the products that we carry. If you have
an article that you want custom made (the term reeks of
overpricing, but this gentleman is very fair) bags or
tarps of any kind, call us. We can make truck tarps to
order, boat covers, camper tops, and awnings, but do not
show them as they are pretty much made to fit your
Check back at this site
often, as we will be adding new products to these pages
at regular intervals. One of the new products not
pictured is camo hunting chaps. These are worn over
regular hunting pants or jeans to help keep the thorns
off your legs. We just made the prototypes and don't
have the different sizes made yet.
If at any time you have a
question about our products, don't hesitate to call our
toll free number, 1-800-473-1748.
-Frank Kittrick
For International Shipping Rates,
please contact Amish Outfitters at 1.800.473.1748.
orders should be placed over the phone to avoid shipping
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